"This exceptional guided visualization with music program is an excellent aid to relaxation and well-being." -- Wesley L. Hicks, Jr., M.D. (Senior Head & Neck Surgical Oncologist and Author)
RELAX WITH SWANN: Ach ... ist das entspannend ... schhhh, nur nicht zu laut sein ... Jeder Laut würde der Stille, die beim Hören dieser CD entsteht, furchtbare Wunden reißen. "Seasons Of Serenity" entführt uns unter der sanft gesprochenen Anleitung von Kathleen Swann in die völlige Entspannung. Schwebende Melodien, die mit den unterschiedlichsten Instrumenten wie Piano, Violinen oder auch exotischeren wie Machu pichu eine wunderbar ruhige Atmosphäre schaffen, sind für jede Jahreszeit in einem etwas anderen Stil angelegt. Der Komponist und Musiker Ken Kaufmann konfrontiert uns mit typisch amerikanischen, aber auch orientalischen oder indianischen Eindrücken.
Währenddessen wird dem Zuhörer die Möglichkeit gegeben, die Worte Swanns zu verinnerlichen und zu visualisieren. Dies ermöglicht ihm seinen eigenen Weg zur Entspannung zu gehen, indem er auf sich selbst hört und sich selbst folgt. Durch Bilder lernt man Probleme und Alltag loszulassen und stellt schließlich fest, dass man wieder gelernt hat, die eine oder andere Schönheit im Leben überhaupt wahrzunehmen.
Für alle, die sich ihre eigenen Bilder erschaffen wollen oder leider kein Englisch verstehen, gibt es auch eine Instrumentalversion namens "Rhythms Of The World". Sie enthält die gleichen Stücke, aber ohne die gesprochene Anleitung. Die Einteilung erlaubt es in jedem Falle auch, immer nur ein einzelnes Bild zu hören, was für Pausen oder einfach für zwischendurch hervorragend geeignet ist. - http://www.crossover-agm.de/cdRelaxWithSwann02.htm
True Music Reviews of Australia published this on their site (September 2004): SEASONS OF SERENITY... Kathleen's voice is soothing and relaxing as she guides you through moments of emotions and does this with the use of spoken word. The experience Kathleen has acquired through her nursing career definitely is delivered through her tone and guidance in the music... SEASONS OF TRANQUILITY... extremely calming... For complete review, see http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/tmreviews/ambient.htm
Rambles, a cultural arts magazine, published this review by Dave Howell in January 2004: "This CD (Rhythms of the World) is decidedly for relaxation. It is so new age, it makes George Winston sound like Jerry Lee Lewis. It would be excellent for yoga, massage, or guided meditations. There are four cuts from 11-18 minutes long...Piano/keyboard triplets maintain a soothing background while the other instruments provide the 'international' flavor..." For the complete review, see www.rambles.net/kaufman_rworld02.html.
Michael Woodhead, an expert in the music business, critiques Relax with Swann's instrumental, "Rhythms of the World" in the March edition of the e-zine, Wind and Wire: "For a relaxing hour some evening Rhythms (of the World) fits the bill. Four lengthy compositions offer quiet, flowing, ambient melodies to help you unwind, relieve stress and insomnia, ease pain and in certain circumstances, increase productivity, particularly on a creative level...These musical numbers form the background for Kathleen Swann's 'Seasons of Serenity', a relaxation CD also available in which she uses guided imagery and positive suggestions along with progressive muscle relaxation to calm the body and mind...The overall presentation of all four compositions, even without the guided imagery, creates a soothing and relaxing atmosphere..." See www.windandwire.com for his complete review.
Valerie Frankel, with a master's degree in creative writing, submit this review for Rambles, a cultural arts magazine: "'Seasons of Serenity' is a peaceful guided meditation that soothes listeners while coaxing them into a place of relaxation. This progressive relaxation relies on imagery: Kathleen Swann describes scenery that must be visualized, from sunsets to rainfall...While music assists Swann with sound, she also describes sights, smells, the feel of the rain on skin and so much more...Swann's calm voice and repeated urges to 'let go' blend perfectly with the music, soothing listeners in the self-directed meditation." See www.rambles.net/swann_seasons02.html for her complete review.
Check out the April 2004 edition of www.synchronicitymagazine.ca for Michael Woodhead's critique of "Seasons of Serenity".
EB of Pennsylvania writes: "...We still listen to the CDs (The Seasons of Pregnancy and Rhythms of Life). GB falls asleep to them every night. While in delivery, Diane stayed completely calm. We listened to the CD at least 10 times while we were there. It kept both her and I so calm. Unfortunately, we were in the delivery room for 18.5 hours. We would have been miserable without those soothing sounds though. "